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WJ.9: Phenomenon of high efficiency to high consumption and reflection

Efficiency to High Consumption: Phenomenon and Reflection

Phenomenon: The High Efficiency to High Consumption of Information Absorption

I previously read an article titled "Why Does the Internet Make Us Unhappy?" at the Tencent Research Institute. The article mentioned a viewpoint that the mobile internet has gradually transitioned from high efficiency to high consumption. The act of going online has become anxious.

Today, the internet has become our spiritual abode, connecting us to the world. We live in a "connected society" where the "relationships" between "people" and "things," and even between people, have been replaced by "connections."

Every specific person with rich aspects becomes an abstract and thin data transmission node, seen as transparent flow without emotions. - "2022 Big Social Trend Observation Report"

Looking back, when we put down our phones or turn off our computers, are we satisfied, calm, and joyful? The original purpose of going online is to obtain information and learn new knowledge. Therefore, we pursue efficient learning methods, try to block the interference of junk information, and search for one efficient tool after another.

On one hand, we try to efficiently organize information, but on the other hand, we cannot calm down and become addicted to the "efficiency" vortex, unable to detach ourselves from it.

We always want to be "faster," pursuing the completion of tasks efficiently - eating faster, walking faster, living at a faster pace, being pushed by time, getting faster and faster. At this time, we realize that "efficiency" itself has become a psychologically exhausting thing.

So why do we want to be faster and faster? Why has the pursuit of efficiency become a form of consumption?

Reason: Self-mutilation in the Pursuit of Efficiency

In the article "Life is Not a Marathon," the concept of "self-mutilation" is mentioned:

Modern people's life track has only one path, which is the success of wealth. Everyone suffers from success anxiety. Chinese people have simplified life into one thing, which is to find a legendary Holy Grail called "financial freedom." Once they find this holy object, it means they have cleared the game of life. Before achieving success in wealth, they believe they are not worthy of marriage and children. It's like playing a game, and you only receive rewards after clearing the game. Since they haven't cleared the game, naturally they are not worthy of rewards, so they choose self-mutilation. - "Life is Not a Marathon"

The deeper reason for pursuing efficiency is our pursuit of wealth. Of course, everyone's goals are different, and this "wealth" is not just money, but also the feeling of being recognized.

In the vast sea, we constantly anchor our course in this journey of life. This anchoring is the "navigation rule" we set for ourselves. We use this set of rules to reach our goals and seek the so-called "sense of meaning."

And we hope to reach our goals as quickly as possible, so before reaching them, we only focus on moving forward, blindly pursuing efficiency, hoping to make the engine faster and faster.

In this fast-paced life, we constantly lose sight of the present scenery. We are too fast to feel, too fast to think, too fast to cherish.

Without input of energy, efficiency becomes consumption.

Reflection: People Need More Than Efficiency

Firstly, behind efficiency is not a tool, but a person.

We must always remember that the essence of pursuing efficiency is to do things better, not to change GTD software every day and always forget to do things; to use the most expensive note-taking software but procrastinate and not write a word for days.

In the article "How I Overcame 'Efficiency Addiction'," this phenomenon is called "efficiency addiction," and five solutions are provided. Readers can read the original article for more details. Here, I will only introduce a few points that I find particularly profound:

  1. Break the obsession with tools: Differentiate between toy attributes and tool attributes. Use tools properly when needed and make use of their mechanisms.
  2. Review the value of tools for oneself: Use as many tools as possible and use them to track input and output statistics. Reflect on whether the tools have truly provided value.
  3. Use important tools lightly: Use tools in a way that feels comfortable. The purpose of tools is to create value, not just for the sake of using them.

Secondly, do what you love.

Before pursuing efficiency, clarify what you love and then unleash your efficiency energy. Don't let trivial matters distract you from your original goals.

Efficiency itself is not the goal, but pursuing efficiency can allow us to gain more valuable things. Pursuing efficiency is about saving time so that we can have time to do what we love, experience life, focus on our bodies and entertainment, and feel happiness.

Lastly, slow down and savor.

In the article "Efficiency is Not Just About Tools, It's About People," there is a good quote:

An efficient life does not mean doing everything efficiently, communicating efficiently, sleeping efficiently, eating efficiently. That sounds like efficiently dying.

Therefore, slow down appropriately, periodically shift your focus from the task at hand, and reflect on yourself. Focus on yourself, calm down, and reflect.

People need more than just efficiency. What we pursue is not "fast," but "slow." What we lack is not efficiency, but the ability to let go.

Slow down, pay attention to your thoughts, emotions, and body. Savor life, experience life, and don't turn yourself into a screw. The importance of experience has been emphasized in a previous article "The Value of Existence and Life Experience," so I won't repeat it here.

So how do we experience the world?

In Mr. L's article "Stop and Feel," he mentioned the importance of cultivating our perception. Perception connects us with others and the world, forming a collective breath. It consists of the following three components:

  • Self-monitoring: Being able to keenly sense subtle changes within oneself and experience one's own state.
  • Empathy: Being able to personally experience others' moods, thoughts, and feelings and consider things from their perspective.
  • External immersion: Being able to voluntarily focus attention on the external environment and experience the outside world.

"Love specific people, not abstract people; love life, not the meaning of life." - Fyodor Dostoevsky

Efficiency is just a personal choice, merely a means to achieve life goals. And at the same time, no one has ever defined life as a marathon.

In the last chapter of "The Ming Dynasty," the story of Xu Xiake is used to express the most perfect ending that can despise all kings and generals - "There is only one success - to live life in the way you like."

Previously, I have talked about many things, many rises and falls, many kings and generals, many helplessness and changes, many ups and downs. But I think this thing is the most important. Because I want to tell you that so-called eternal hegemony, everlasting fame, and everything else are just dung. First, it becomes dung, then it becomes soil. - The Ming Dynasty

After all, everything is external. Only health, dreams, memories, and love will accompany us throughout our lives.

Finally, may you not go with the flow, may you have reachable love, and may your heart be filled with radiance.

Weekly Recommendations

"2022 Big Social Trend Observation Report"

PDF report: 2022 Big Social Trend Observation Report - Moze Consulting

I really like the presentation format and content structure of this research report. Each observation point includes the following four components:

  • What's new
  • Case
  • Why
  • How

Muse 2.0

Muse recently released version 2.0, which is now available on Mac. However, I am still looking forward to a new system for iPad OS with a whiteboard application.

PS. The developers of Muse are very nice. They have adjusted the price specifically for the Chinese market. In addition, I previously sent them an email in broken English to inquire about file synchronization functionality, and they replied earnestly. After experiencing it, I found that Muse is truly a well-crafted product.

Recent Viewings

  • Finished: Emotion | "Seeing Letters Like Faces" | ★★★☆☆
  • Watched: Mystery | "Memories of Murder" | ★★★★★
  • Currently watching: Anime | "Spy Family"
  • Currently watching: Documentary | "Road to Hero"
  • Currently playing: Switch | "13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim"

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