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WJ.7: Impromptu speech model

Impromptu Speaking Model

This week, while browsing Bilibili, I came across a video where the uploader introduced some speech templates. This article summarizes and organizes them.

  • Yes And Principle
  • Pyramid Principle
  • FFC Praise Principle
  • FFA Reporting Principle
  • NVC Skills

Yes And Principle#

Applicable scenario: Expressing different opinions

Core idea: Do not negate others, replace negation with affirmation

The "Yes! And..." technique originated from improvisational comedy in Italy. "Yes" represents agreeing with what the other person said, and "And" is used to add one's own viewpoint on top of the agreement. Since improvisational performances do not have a script, smoothly progressing the plot requires building on the other person's words and then adding one's own content. This makes the overall rhythm more coherent. If both parties negate each other, it is equivalent to cutting off the content that the audience has accepted, and the pieced-together plot cannot be efficiently connected.

Therefore, even if someone presents a viewpoint that you do not agree with, do not rush to negate it, that is, do not rush to say "But". Instead, start from the point of agreement with "Yes", express affirmation, acceptance, and tolerance towards the other person, and then use "And" to express your other thoughts.

A: I think this plan XXXXX, what do you think of my idea?
B: Well, I think it's pretty good (YES), and (AND) I also have another idea here, what do you think?

Both "And" and "But" can express one's own viewpoint, but negation easily triggers confrontational emotions. In a communication atmosphere of "seeking common ground while reserving differences," it is easier to reach consensus and stimulate new information.

Pyramid Principle#

Applicable scenario: Need to attract audience attention or communicate efficiently. Such as defense, reporting, writing, etc.

Core idea: Pyramid principle.

  • Express from top to bottom, lead with the conclusion
  • Think from bottom to top, summarize and generalize
  • Vertically summarize and generalize
  • Horizontally group arguments


  • Attract audience attention
  • Improve the audience's information reception efficiency and avoid wasting time

FFC Praise Principle#

Applicable scenario: Praising others

The FFC Praise Principle refers to when praising someone, first use delicate language to express one's feelings (Feeling), then further prove one's feelings with facts (Facts), and finally express deep agreement with the other person through comparison (Compare).

I think the dress you wore today is really tasteful and stylish (Feeling)! Because the style of this dress matches your temperament, and it also suits your skin tone and figure very well (Facts)! To be honest, this is the most beautiful dress I've seen since this summer (Compare).


  1. Do not praise traits that the person does not actually possess, otherwise it is insincere.
  2. Do not compare with other people present, expand the scope of comparison.

FFA Reporting Principle#

Applicable scenario: Workplace reporting

Core idea:

  • Objectively state facts (Facts)
  • Express one's own opinions (Feelings)
  • Provide action plans (Actions)

Mr. X, the sales revenue this month has declined by 30% (Facts), I think it may be due to the new employees' limited business expansion ability (Feelings), so next week I will organize another business training to solve this problem (Actions).

NVC Skills#

Applicable scenario: Intimate relationships

Nonviolent Communication, as described in the "Four Elements of Communicating with Love" in "Nonviolent Communication," is detailed and will not be repeated here.

Core idea: Four elements of communicating with love

  • Observation: Describe observations
  • Feeling: Express feelings
  • Need: Make the other person feel the need
  • Request: Make requests

Weekly Recommendations#

Comics/Anime: Summer Rewind#

Compared to the love cycle of Re0 486, the protagonist of this series is simply at a hellish difficulty level, fighting supernatural creatures with a mortal body.

In contrast to "The Beginning," the protagonist's reincarnation has great limitations. In "The Beginning," the point of reincarnation advances with each death, while in this work, it is delayed. Therefore, certain events have become predetermined and cannot be changed. The antagonists in this work also have xx (spoiler redacted) abilities, using intelligence to suppress the protagonist group, and even blocking them at the protagonist's birthplace, creating a sense of oppression and despair.

The intelligence of the protagonist group and the antagonists is outstanding, the plot is interconnected, the setting is rigorous, and all foreshadowing is resolved, making it a masterpiece of this year.


Programming: Modern JavaScript#

I accidentally discovered a free website for learning front-end development. The website has exquisite design and covers a wide range of knowledge, making it suitable for beginners to learn and for experienced developers to consolidate their foundations.

This Week's Records#

Recent Viewings#

  • Reading: Emotions | "Letters Seen as Faces"
  • Reading: Philosophy | "Existentialist Cafe: Freedom, Being, and Apricot Cocktails"
  • Watching: Anime | "Summer Rewind"
  • Watching: Anime | "Spy House"
  • Finished Reading: Comics | "Summer Rewind" (third time)
  • Watched: Movie | "Green Book" (second time)
  • Played: Single-player Game | "20 Minutes Before Dawn"

"20 Minutes Before Dawn" is a well-balanced small-scale roguelike game. It is available on Steam for only 15 dollars, and each game session takes 10 to 20 minutes. The main fun of the game is finding a combat style that suits oneself.


PS. Players interested in cloud gaming can watch Wanglaoju's video → Wanglaoju Teaches You How to Shoot at Night_Bilibili

Recent Code#

TypeScript React  32 hrs 23 mins █████████████░░░░░░░░  61.9%
TypeScript        18 hrs 50 mins ███████▌░░░░░░░░░░░░░  36.0%
JSON              32 mins        ▏░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░   1.0%
JavaScript        10 mins        ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░   0.3%
Markdown          6 mins         ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░   0.2%
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