

哲学系学生 / 小学教师 / 程序员,个人网站:

WJ.5: A Day at Work in TME

My Day at TME#

  • 7:30, Wake up
  • 8:10, Leave home and take the company bus to work
  • 8:50-9:30, Arrive at the company; breakfast time & read articles in the reading list
  • 9:30-10:00, Organize unfinished tasks from yesterday and tasks for today, start working
  • 10:00, Morning meeting; start working after the meeting
  • 12:00, Lunch time
  • 12:30-13:30, Read articles in the reading list or read books
  • 13:30-14:15, Nap; start working in the afternoon after the nap
  • 18:00, Dinner time
  • 19:00-21:00, Coding time in the evening, until the end of work
  • 22:00-23:30, Leisure time
  • 23:30-0:00, Bedtime reading, stay away from blue light devices, prepare for sleep

Route to the bus stop:
Route to the bus stop

My workstation:
My workstation

My desk:
My desk

Weekly Recommendations#

Technology: Why's THE Design#

I came across a great blog website this week: Why's THE Design - Programming with Belief. The author has written a series of articles about program design decisions in the field of computer science. In each article of this series, he raises a specific question and discusses the pros and cons of the design from different perspectives, as well as the impact on specific implementations. This learning method of raising questions and conducting in-depth research is worth learning.


Software: 1Password 8#

As a long-time user of 1Password, I had been sticking with version 7 and didn't actively upgrade to the major release that was announced last week. This was because I had read news a long time ago that the new version was developed using Electron, and the comments section was full of complaints about Electron's performance. Users were very dissatisfied with the decision to abandon native development. However, this week, when I saw the promotional page for 1Password 8, I was deeply attracted by the new UI and "unfortunately" upgraded to version 8.


After using it for a few days, I found that as a password management software, there is no performance-intensive aspect. The overall performance of Electron is very smooth. It made me think that if the official team didn't actively mention the change in technology stack to the users, no one would have noticed that the new generation of 1Password was not developed natively.

This reminded me of an article I read some time ago (unfortunately, I couldn't find the original article), which basically said that developers quietly replaced an iOS app developed natively with a wrapped PWA in the new version, but none of the users noticed.

User experience is not just about the theoretical optimal performance of the software, but also about the overall system interaction design, animation presentation, and the rationality of loading sequences. It is about truly starting from the perspective of user needs and experiencing their real experience and tolerance. Based on this, choose a suitable and efficient technology stack for the business.

PS: There are still three spots available in my 1Password family plan. If anyone is interested, feel free to reach out to me.

Weekly Records#

This module is a new addition starting from this issue, recording personal weekly reading, watching, listening, and programming activities. It is a brief personal weekly report. For books and movies that have been completed, I will give a subjective rating. As for programming records, they are retrieved from Wakatime. GitHub Action pulls the data once a week and then syncs it to my personal Gist. Since the Wakatime plugin was only launched on June 1st, the programming data for this issue starts from June 1st.

Later, I will find time to optimize the CI for Weekly, so that when I push the newsletter, the CI will automatically fetch records from Douban and Gist, and generate this "Weekly Records" module.

Recent Viewings#

  • Finished reading: Novel | "Astrology Murder Magic" | ★★★★★
  • Finished watching: Movie | "The Blink of an Eye in the Universe" | ★★★★★
  • Finished watching: TV series | "Golden Night Tower" | ★★★☆☆
  • Currently reading: Novel | "Red Fingers"
  • Currently watching: Anime | "Summer Reunion"
  • Currently watching: Anime | "Spy Pretend"
  • Currently playing: Game | "Crazy Kitchen 2"
  • Currently playing: Game | "Interstellar Development"

Recent Code (6.1-6.2)#

TypeScript React   11 hrs 3 mins  ██████████████▌░░░░░░  69.5%
TypeScript         4 hrs 45 mins  ██████▎░░░░░░░░░░░░░░  30.0%
Objective-C        3 mins         ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░   0.3%
Bash               0 secs         ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░   0.1%
Markdown           0 secs         ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░   0.1%
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